Meet Dan Ugaste

Long before Dan Ugaste decided to get involved in Republican Party politics, Dan was involved in his community as a coach, as a volunteer firefighter and community volunteer. Dan is the kind person Ronald Reagan would describe as a “compassionate conservative”.
Dan’s Plan for Illinois
Life, Liberty, Family
Dan Ugaste values life, liberty and family above all else, but is continuously shocked by the actions of Illinois elected officials that put all he cherishes at risk.
He will help rebuild government with the same work ethic he employed to create a successful life for his family
Holding Government Accountable
Like all Illinois residents, the Ugaste’s have been bitterly disappointed in a Democrat state legislature controlled by Mike Madigan for 40 years that ran up $160 billion in debt while allowing the quality of life and economic prosperity to deteriorate.
Help Repair The Damage
The moral and economic fabric of Illinois that has been ripped by Madigan’s negligence can be repaired, but it will take strong leadership from responsible no-nonsense adults like Dan Ugaste who are prepared to make the hard choices to reverse 40 years of corrupt bargains.

Main Street Values
Like many Illinois families, the Ugaste’s built a life, a family and a home by working hard and expecting our elected officials to manage the government responsibly.

Protecting Liberty
It’s really not that hard to spend less than you tax, regulate without reducing personal liberty, and protect the lives and property of the citizens who depend on

Latest News
Ugaste Endorsed: Chicago Tribune
“we don’t want to lose a House Republican who is a consistent voice of fiscal responsibility. Ugaste is a primary sponsor of a bill that would ease the property tax crunch over time by dedicating funds to schools as pension payments fall, with requirements that school districts reduce their property tax levies as they get…
Ugaste endorsed – Daily Herald
“Ugaste has proved he can work across the aisle. We appreciate his measured and fair approach, and his experience in Springfield, where he’s advocated for transparency and accountability, is valuable. His website states that he focuses on pro-growth legislation and policies, and his track record shows that. We like that he is focused on lowering…
Ugaste Endorsed: Illinois Chamber of commerce
“Representative Dan Ugaste plays a unique and vital role for the Illinois business community in our State Capitol. As an expert in workers’ compensation, he provides important insights and balance which protects both workers and employers. Rep. Ugaste understands the needs of main street businesses and negotiates real solutions that are a win/win for all…
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Ugaste endorsed
Due to his ongoing commitment to keeping our streets safe, enforcing the laws and supporting the police, Dan Ugaste has been endorsed by both the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police and the Safe Suburbs USA organization.
In case you missed it: Rep. Dan Ugaste receives Guardian of Small Business Award from NFIB
“State Representative Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) has been awarded the 2024 Guardian of Small Business Award by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). The award is NFIB’s most prestigious legislative recognition, honoring leaders who advocate for small businesses. “I am humbled and honored to receive this award from NFIB,” Rep. Ugaste stated. “I will always…