Springfield, Ill. — Sheriffs of Illinois PAC today announce its “Sheriffs’ Star” legislative
endorsement for the 101 st General Assembly. The program is further engaging Illinois Sheriffs in
the policy-making process. It is now more important than ever that law enforcement have
legislators that value the protections and services provided by law enforcement.
“Legislators write and set the laws that we are expected to enforce. That relationship requires
strong collaboration and communication between law enforcement and all legislators. We all
want safe communities and the best for all Illinois citizens,” Chairman Dwight Baird (Kendall
County Sheriff) said. “It is our hope that this endorsement process can help further nurture that
important dialogue. It certainly is my distinct privilege to announce our inaugural “Sheriffs’ Star”
recipients today.”
The Sheriffs of Illinois PAC is a bipartisan and voluntary political fund. This program offers
support to politicians who stand up for Sheriffs and all of law enforcement in their effort to
protect law abiding citizens. Politicians that demonstrate these aspects would be considered
recipients of the “Sheriffs’ Star”.
“Our government was formed on citizen engagement and involvement. We believe that this
program will include ongoing input from our winners. Their participation in ride-alongs with law
enforcement will help further nurture and promote the goals we all have as elected officials,”
said Chairman Baird. “I want to congratulate and thank these legislators for what they have
done and their eagerness to be a part of this discussion.”
Hon. Dan Ugaste