October 30, 2018
Dear Friends,
It has been my privilege and honor to serve as your state senator for the past six years. Although I am moving on, representation in our community is something I remain concerned about. I’ve had the opportunity to get to know Dan Ugaste and for me, it’s about being a good steward of our tax dollars. I want Dan Ugaste fighting by my side.
We need the best possible representation for Kane and McHenry counties in Springfield. I can think of no better candidate to fulfill the responsibilities of State Representative than Dan Ugaste, who I have been lucky to call a friend.
For years I have been frustrated with Springfield’s downward financial spiral due to excessive taxation, spending, borrowing and debt. In order to make Illinois economically attractive for investors and job creators, Illinois needs to return to the fundamentals of budgeting, which means you simply cannot spend more than you receive in revenue.
Springfield leaders have done their best to dig a financial hole for Illinois’ future generations, but the damage they have done can be reversed with responsible new leaders willing to make the difficult decisions we need. Dan Ugaste is the right person to lead the way to fiscal solvency so that our grandchildren do not have to pay for our mistakes.
Please join me in supporting Dan Ugaste for State Representative in the 65th District. Early voting is still available through November 5th.
Karen McConnaughay
Retired Illinois State Senator